Age of Empires Mobile – AOE Mobile – Best Civilization

Age of Empires Mobile – AOE Mobile – Heroes
AOE Mobile - Age of Empires Mobile - Civilizations
Everyone wants to the know the best civilization. If this is you, head over the AOE Mobile Best Civilization guide and look at the Civilization Tier List. Stay here if you're looking for all the information on each AOE Mobile Civilization.
There are 8 Civilization in Age of Empires Mobile. It is very cheap to switch civilizations and you should plan to do so. It's only 200 Empire Coins to switch so this could be a weekly or every other week activity pretty easily.
Reviewing All Civilizations in Age of Empires Mobile - AOE Mobile
Japanese Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Swordman's defense +5%
- Attack against world tribes +10%
- Attack against player citadels +5%
The Japanese civilization is the best pick for new players and is on the S Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations. The 10% boost against world tribes is nice for getting your exploration rank up and gives you something to do with your idle armies. It begins to drop off a bit later on because of its pretty small boosts. Once you've maxed out the benefit, change! Only 200 Empire Coins.
Chinese Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Archer's Defense 5%
- Villager capacity +8
- Walls Durability +10%
The Chinese civilization is on the S Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations because of the extra villager capacity. The more villagers you have will your increase resource production and help build time for a some buildings. The walls durability is less meaningful because if they're coming, it's probably a bunch of them so take cover!
Korean Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Cavalry defense 5%
- Attack Looting Limit +500,000
- Resource Storage Protection Rate +10%
The Korean civilization is on the S Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations and excels in looting with large cavalry armies. The extra speed of Cavalry will help the Korean playstyle from exploration missions and looting other players. The storage protection rate is trival and not a factor unless you are getting hit all the time.
Roman Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Pikemen defense + 5%
- Healing speed +5%
- Resource production for buildings +30
The Romans are on the A Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations are okay to start with in the early game. The resource production +30 is nice to get started. The healing speed increase will be valuable later on as you play more of the game.
French Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Cavalry Defense + 5%
- Resources Exchange Rate + 5%
- Gathering Troops Defense + 10%
The French A Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations are better used later in the game where your exchanging millions in resources. The marketplace is nice when you have extra resources available. Gathering troops defense is an okay but mostly not helpful in peaceful nations.
Byzantines Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Swordmen's defense + 5%
- All unit types siege damage + 5%
- Stone gathering from the world +5%
The Byzantines make it to the A Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations for the swordsman defense in the early game. Siege damage will be helpful later in the first week and stone gathering is a mute point in the beginning.
British Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Archer's defense - 5%
- Player citadel defense bonus - 10%
- Mill production - 5%
The British starts the B Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations and is defense focused game play. Switch to the British if you're being attacked for 10% citadel defense bonus.
Egyptians Civilization in AOE Mobile

- Pikemen's defense - 5%
- Troop load - 5%
- Gathering troop unit loss prevention - 5%
Egyptians made the B Tier List for AOE Mobile Civilizations and focuses on minimizing troop losses. Pikemen's defense could be nice as it seems like the meta is all about using Pikemen these days. The troop load might be helpful later game but you'll have plenty of troops by then anyways!