There are many types of hard drives out there and know which one to pick can be a little tricky but this mostly depends on what you need. Let’s try to narrow down your requirements or what you want to do with it. Do you plan to store a bunch of pictures and videos? Do you plan to put your operating system on it? Windows, Mac OS, a flavor of Linux (Ubuntu) or something else. How frequently do you plan on using the hard drive? Monthly, weekly, daily, multiple times a day? How much money do you have to spend on it?
Spinning Hard Drives
Spinning hard drives are more traditional types of hard drives. They’re know as spinning hard drives because there are metal platter on the inside that spin. These types of hard drives are more cost effective per gigabyte. You will usually find these hard drives in 5200 rpm or 7200 rpm. The number is how fast the hard drive can spin. This time the higher the number the faster it spins and the better performance you will see.