ROK Map Types in Rise of Kingdoms

Whiteout Survival SVS or State of Power
ROK Troop Type Guide in Rise of Kingdoms
Get ready as this guide is packed with information. Bookmark this as you'll be coming back to this over and over again.
Below are the Troop Types of Rise of Kingdoms. These Guides will teach you Commander Pairings, Advantages & Disadvantages, Equipment and more of each Troop Type. Credit to everyone that help put this together!
We'll break down each ROK Troop Type:
ROK Cavalry Troop Guide
Cavalry Basics
Cavalry troops are one of the three main troop types in Rise of Kingdoms, alongside infantry and archers. They are known for their speed and mobility, making them ideal for flanking and attacking enemy units. Here's what you need to know about cavalry troops:
Cavalry Strengths:
Fast and high-damage unit, versatile, and excellent for PVP and PVE.
Excellent for destroying or conquering cities and garrisons, cavalry commanders are the most powerful in the game for conquering.
They have a great balance of general statistics that make it the most complete unit in the game, attack, health, and defense will be present in any unit of this type and commanders.
Cavalry Weaknesses:
The cavalry and their commanders are ineffective in defending garrisons.
Vulnerable to infantry in open-field.
Cavalry Commander Parings
KvK 3 & SoC (Season of Conquest)
Alexander Nevsky + Joan of Arc Prime
The best cavalry pair is most definitely Nevsky/Joan of Arc Prime for SoC. The Insane Skill damage, AOE Damage, Fast March speed and Survivability is unbeatable.
KvK 1
Minamoto + Cao Cao
Rally and open field fighting.
High skill damage for KvK 1. Bonus damage against Barbarians.
Best Barbarian fort pairing.
Minamoto + Yi Seong-Gye
Rally and open field fighting.
High skill damage from Minamoto's skill talent and AoE from YSG.
Minamoto + Baibars
High damage.
Great City rally march.
High mobility.
Great AOE Damage.
Open field only.
Balanced stats with decent skill damage, rage regeneration, etc.
Belisarius + Cao Cao / Cao Cao + Belisarius
F2P Farm hunter.
Mobility talent tree boosts their speed.
60% speed boost from nodes, use to run faster during the hunt.
Cao Cao + Minamoto
Spender Farm hunter.
60% speed boost from nodes, use to run faster during the hunt.
Belisarius + Baibars
F2P Farm hunter with AoE.
60% speed boost from nodes, use to run faster during the hunt.
Links To Other Paring Guides:
Documents: Ultimate Cavalry Pairing Guide Cavalry Commander Pairings
Video Guides: Top 4 Best Legendary Commander Cavalry Pairs by Chisgule Gaming
ROK Cavalry Equipment
Beginner Set

Advanced Set

Advanced Set+1

Expert Set

Expert Set +1

Here is a Youtube Video to another Equipment Guide: Best Cavalry Equipment Guide Roadmap by Spartan Gaming
Useful Tools
ROK Cavalry Civilization Rankings

Cavalry Tier Troop Type Rankings & Comparison

ROK Infantry Troop Guide
Infantry Basics
Infantry troops are one of the three main troop types in Rise of Kingdoms, alongside cavalry and archers. They are the backbone of any army and excel at holding the front line against enemy attacks. Here are their strengths and weaknesses:
Infantry Strengths:
Strong and resistant, excellent for any type of PVP combat.
Many Infantry commanders have healing factors (ideal for long battles) and are great at defending garrisons or cities.
Defends Forts against units and cavalry commanders.
In events like "Sunset Canyon" and "Golden Kingdom", they are a great option. Thanks to their resistance and hold-position combat.
Infantry Weaknesses:
It's slow, in open-field running away or chasing is not the best strategy.
It's not a great option for PVE events since infantry commanders don't have "Peacekeeping" and are slowed down due to lack of damage to neutral units although they can resist much longer than the other units.
Infantry Commander Pairings
KvK 1
Charles Martel + Richard I
Open field fighting only.
Have high defense, counterattack damage, and healing regeneration = more troops in hospital
Charles Martel + Yi Seong-Gye
Rally/Garrison and open field fighting.
The "ideal" pairing for KvK 1, can be used for all purposes.
Richard I + Yi Seong-Gye
Open field fighting only.
High defence, allows YSG to stay in field for a longer duration.
Charles Martel + Sun Tzu
Open field fighting only.
Can be used for the garrison, however, not the best option in KvK1
Richard I + Sun Tzu
Open field fighting only.
Useful for fighting in groups.
Bjorn + Sun Tzu
F2P open field march.
Max Bjorn debuffs 3 targets
Links to Other Pairings Guides:
Documents: Ultimate Infantry Pairing Guide
Video Guides: Top 4 Best Infantry Pairs by Chisgule Gaming
Infantry Equipment
Elite Set

Advanced Set

Advanced +1 Set

Expert Set

Expert Set +1

Here is a Youtube Video to another Equipment Guide by 12inchpvpness
Useful Tools
Infantry Master Guide For Open Field

Infantry Tier Troop Type Comparison

ROK Archer Troop Guide
Archer Basics
Archers are one of the three main troop types in Rise of Kingdoms, along with Infantry and Cavalry. They are especially effective against Infantry units and are known for their versatile abilities. Here are the strengths and weaknesses:
Archer Strengths
Excellent for PVP and PVE.
The damage of its commanders is one of the highest in the game and some of these in AOE, capable of destroying any defense or attack. Infantry is the main target.
Despite not having great resistance, many Archer commanders are ideal for defending garrisons and the damage they cause is deadly for any type of unit.
Archer Weaknesses
Low resistance for open-field, cavalry is your worst nightmare in this type of combat.
The vast majority of their commanders are totally offensive so they don't have a great defense capable of withstanding long battles.
Archer Commander Pairings
KvK 1
Thutmose + Yi Seong-Gye
Open field Fighting.
Anti-Richard - Healing debuff
Double AoE damage
Debuffs + Increased Skill Damage
El Cid + Yi Seong-Gye
Rally and open field fighting.
Highest nuke damage in KvK 1.
Effective against the best defense of CM+YSG.
Kusunoki Masashige + Yi Seong-Gye
Open field only.
Cleanse debuffs and optimize AoE damage from YSG.
F2P archer players usually find this pairing useful.
Imhotep + Yi Seong-Gye
Open field fighting
Debuff + AoE damage (5 targets if maxed)
Can be used as garrison, although stronger garrisons available
Imhotep + Hermann or Kusunoki Masashige
F2P Open field fighting.
Debuff + Damage (AoE from Kusunoki Masashige)
Links To Other Pairings:
Video Guide: Best Legendary Archer Pairs by Chisgule Gaming
Infantry Equipment
Beginner Set

Advanced Set

Expert +1 Set

Here is a Youtube Video to another Equipment Guide:
Archer Equipment Guide by Spartan Gaming
Useful Tools
Archers Tier Troop Type Comparison