Data Transfer – Seeding the Data
ROK Key Terms Used in Rise of Kingdoms
Rise of Kingdoms Tips and Tricks
Want more gems for free? Follow these steps:
What you need:
- At least 2 farm accounts
- Level 37 gathering commander
- Jewelry tech
- Good cutting & polishing tech
- Time and effort.
What to Do?
Spend all action points in barb grinding, they give a good amount of gem tokens and once you finish draining your AP, send all your farmers to level 2 gem nodes then check back after 30 mins (case to case basis, depending on distance and tech) you can grind 200 gems in an hour.
But farming gems will slow your progress since you can't farm food, wood, stone and gold right? That's the reason for your farm account, to gather those resources for you.
If you have that time and effort you can probably get to 1,000 gems in a day.
Best Gem Investments
You should always prioritize VIP in the early game. VIP 10 is your first goal/priority. Spend all your gems on VIP during the More Than Gems event to get to level 10 as fast as possible. This will allow you to earn 1 gold head per day just by logging on.
After VIP 10, you have a little more freedom to spend your gems wherever you'd like. One of the best choices would be to spend gems on the Wheel of Fortune for commanders that are a good investment such as YSG. Another option is to keep pushing VIP to get to level 12 which will allow you to get 2 golden heads every day, doubling the rate at which you can skill up commanders. The third best choice is to use them on the Egg Event for equipment blueprints. The fourth option is to buy Books of the Covenant. Since getting books from barb fort rallies is insanely time consuming, spending gems on them to level up your Castle is a good idea. You will need your Castle to be level 25 to unlock T5 units so buying Books is a nice investment
More Quick Tips:
- Use kingdom maps after clearing all the fog for free speedups
- Use building contracts after you reach VIP 6 for free speedups
- Don't research the first few technologies in the economy tree - You can finish them with tribal villages
- Don't be lazy with the expedition, play until you can't win anymore for the most value
- Chain barbarians instead of attacking 1 by 1 to get more value for less AP spent
- Focus on one commander at a time - It's better to have fewer but stronger marches
- When Researching/Building/Training/Healing use a title + KD buff + rune + best alliance buffs
- Requirements/Costs of Upgrading CH -> Rise Of Kingdoms Fandom - Cityhall
Note: These are only estimates as they don't count added buffs from runes & titles.