ROK T4 Rush Guide in Rise of Kingdoms

ROK Map Types in Rise of Kingdoms
ROK T5 Rush Guide in Rise of Kingdoms
T5 Rush
ROK T5 requirements:
You need to have every type of building on level 25 and military max research the same as the economy. You want to upgrade your academy and city hall to level 25 as fast you can.
How much time do you need to research tier 5 troops depends on a lot of factors. Are you in a whale alliance, how much money do you spend on ROK, are you free to play, are you active, etc.
Buildings requirement to unlock Tier 5
There's some good and bad news regarding the buildings you'll need to build to unlock your T5 Troops. The good news is that on your journey, you're going to take the academy to level 25 that's required, and doing so would give you a solid 7% extra research boost from level 24.
The bad news is that academy 25 requires just about every building in your city to be level 25.
Now, let's talk about some of the buildings and their requirements.
You need to start destroying forts as much you can. You need so many books.
From level 24 to level 25 you need 5000 books. Or if you want to spend money this is where you need to invest your gems. The best time to buy books is during more than gems events.
I did it the hard way with farming barbarian forts. Now how to get most books with fewer attack points. For this, you need a Peacekeeper commander and farm account.
You want to go far away from your alliance. You will do forts only with your 2 accounts. Now it is hard to kill forts level 4 and level 5. But you can easily solo forts that are 1,2,3.
You will start the rally on level 3 fort with your main account and then join to rally with your farm account. While you are on your farm account start fort level 2 then go back on the main account and join the rally.
Repeat this as much you can. Now you are wondering why to do this. Because you will have bigger damage done to the fort and drop chance will be higher and you will get 5 books.
For Watchtower you need arrows. They are no problem to get so do not spend gems on them.
Better is to buy books for the castle. The best way to get arrows for Watchtower is by killing barbarians during the Lohar trial event.
When you kill a barbarian during the Lohar trial event you will get a necklace that contains random items. You will get so many arrows and good items with killing barbarians during the Lohar event.
This is the last building to get Tier 5 units and to build it you need to build all other buildings first.
Other Buildings
Now for other buildings, you do not need books or arrows but you will need gems to buy blueprints. Blueprints are used to level building from level 24 to level 25.
The total number of buildings that need blueprints is 16 and every blueprint costs 2k gems. So that is the total cost of 32k gems.
Castle, Scout camp and Watchtower do not require blueprints. You do not need more than one Hospital, farm, Quarry, Gold mine and Lumber mill.
ROK T5 Research Requirements
Here, we are going to talk about the amount of time the research takes, the different things that are required, and some approaches you can use to shrink the number of speed-ups you will need to use.
Firstly, you will have to max every single thing in the Economic Technology. Maxing out all of these will benefit you profoundly as you're powering up in Rise of Kingdoms.
Coming to Military Technology, you will need combat tactics, defensive formation, and herbal medicine to 10 in order to work your way towards T5. This would enable you to take your cartography to 5, which will be maxed as well.
Instead of going all-in on 1 troop type, you should do a bunch of researches that will give you're a whole lot of stats for the Troop types you care about and want.
Tip and Tricks to Get tier 5 fastest possible
After carrying out the research, around a 1000 worth of speed-ups are still needed to unlock your first T5 Troop. Quite frankly, that's a lot of speed-ups. But, there are a lot of ways to reduce the time it would take to do this research.
We will now talk about all the things that reduce the time to conduct this research because as you will go further in the game, these micro-optimizations will start adding up.
Get your commanders to level 37 and go farm. You will need a lot of resources. Turn your in-game notification. You will get a notification every time your commanders come back from gathering.
Spend your action points
Do not let your bar go to full. You want to spend every free attack point.
Universal speedups
Do not spend your universal speedups on building, healing and training troops. Use all universal speedups on research. I know pain when your hospital is full but you only have universal speedups to heal them. My advice is to just exit the rise of kingdoms. If you spend 20 days of universal speedups on healing you will be 20 days more away from tier 5 units.
Alliance technology
Find an alliance that has max research and that controls most of the altars.
Whale alliance
Find a whale alliance. Work on it, do what you must to enter whale alliance. The amount of rewards that you will gate from whale players that are spending in-game is insane. This will boost your progress by 50 %.
Before building or putting your research on you want to find a rune. It will help you so much. The best runes are in the center of the map.
Kingdoms Buffs
If your king is normal he will use kingdoms buff when the good rune is on the map.
Kingdom title
Do not be shy. Go to world chat and ask for a title for 5 min so you can put your research or build.
Best time to use universal speedups
Best time is when you get rune that will give you a 15% boost + kingdom buff + kingdom title. Then you will go all in and use all of your speedups.
VIP Level
Amongst various different ways to improve your research speed, one of the most important is VIP. VIP 12 offers some additional research speed along with giving building speed at VIP 10.
These buffs exist and continue to accumulate all the way up to VIP Level 15, where you get additional building and research speed. Beyond that, you get a bunch of other goodies that are solid but aren't actually going to help you in unlocking T5 faster.
If you don't have all the buffs discussed above and you need to do some research, we recommend saving some smaller research items like a siege, attack, or defense, for when you're in between doing all these different buffs of 100+ days. This would enable you to time out some really nice buffs, a rune, and so forth.
Just to give a perspective on how long some of these big researches take, we should talk about combat tactics level 9, which, on average, takes 65 days. On the other hand, combat tactics level 10 takes an average player around 100 days.
But the good news is, we have figured out all the buffs that will help us in boosting our speed. Moreover, getting help would compress the time pretty substantially as well.
One thing to keep in mind is that the technology specific to the different types of units will end up being roughly as substantial as the combat tactics, defensive formation, and herbal medicine research.
Courier Station
Every single speedup that you can buy with resources you have to buy it. If you did not see Merchant for a long time go and use some training speedups and you have the chance to summon her
Try to finish every event that comes in the rise of kingdoms.
Kingdom vs Kingdoms
KvK is the best time to focus on the game. There are so many rewards that you can get during KvK . Better barbarians, better forts, and you can easily farm gems. You want to do every single thing that you can do in KvK.
If you see an alliance from your kingdom that is doing first time gates or other buildings go and ask them to join and help. You will get free gems, speedups, etc. Look to KvK rewards and make a plan on how to get them all, just do not be AFK during KvK.
Note: The rewards that you will get when they spend money is insane. It will boost your ROK T5 research time by 50%. This guide is more focused on free to play and small spenders but if you are a big spender you find this guide useful too.
Additional Video Guides:
Cheapest T5 Requirements by Shinci42
How to Unlock T5 in 182 days by Shinci42
I am hoping that I helped in some way. Just be focused on the game and play it daily. You do not need to play it 10h a day. All you need to do daily is to send farmers and rally barbarian forts. But the best advice that I can give you if you are planning to get tier 5 in the rise of kingdoms is to find a kingdom that is strong and that has a lot of big spenders.