ROK Preparation Guide for Rise of Kingdoms
ROK Fog Clearing Guide
ROK Chain Farming Barbarians Guide in Rise of Kingdoms
Chain Farming Barbarians
The effectiveness of the continuous use of our Action Point APs increases our effectiveness, Example: we can kill 2-5 barbarians with only 40 AP points.
It teaches us a better way to take advantage of these techniques for events such as the 2nd phase of "MGE", "Clarion Call" or the same "Lost Kingdom" that our Honor points depend in part on hunting barbarians and sometimes the APs are not enough to achieve final rewards.
We will get the same rewards by killing X amount of barbarians with a single AP consumption when attacking.
We can only use 1 single march.
It will consume a little more playing time while we apply this advantage.Instant Guide to Chain-Farming Barbarians
First of all, we must choose the best Commanders for chaining, at least one of these must have a Damage AoE Skill in order to affect the closest barbarians and attract them to your army, later we will explain who are the best Commanders for this task.
We are looking for a fairly populated area of high-level barbarians, in the Normal kingdom we are looking for those of Level 20-25 that are mostly in Zone 3, and in "Lost Kingdom" we can take advantage of any area of Barbarians.
The more level: more life, better rewards and they facilitate the duration of the attack to be able to chain each one of them with the closest one.
We must be smart and select multitudes of barbarians who are close to each other, so we will efficiently begin our technique:
How to Chain Farm Barbarians Effectively (Step-by-Step)
Attack the highest level Barbarian who is close to others.
We drag our army little by little (without distancing it much from our 1st Objective), always looking straight ahead at the next closest Barbarian.
We cannot point to the next Barbarian, the ability in AoE will be in charge of attracting it alone when it affects it.
Stay as close as possible while dragging on each of our goals.
Slowly attack and drag calmly, walking towards another nearby enemy.
If we fail, repeat until we can chain as many as possible as far as we can.

Primary Commanders
Our primary commanders must have talents and abilities like "Peacekeeping" as they will help us deal much more damage to barbarians, increase our rewards, and consume less AP, however other commanders without "Peacekeeping" can also be effective.

Secondary Commanders
In the secondary commanders, we will focus more on those with area damage (AoE) it is essential to have these skills.